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Green Hill Lounge / Rest & Relaxation / Re: Intrioduction/Leaving/Returning Thread
on: October 26, 2009, 11:39:44 am
Hello everyone! I am SonicBlue77 of TMN (, Neritic Net ( and SMWC ( and i'd like to welcome you to the first annual opening of The Green Hill Zone! A few things you should know about me I suppose is that I am a SMW hacker and I have a Youtube account. Click Here to go to my account. Anyways, I am a basketball player at my school. I am numbah 43 and the odd thing is that's my lucky number (lol). I also used to play violin and I DO play piano. I also compose songs of my original creation on the computer and on piano. Now, I guess that's good enough.  You annually open a different Green Hill Zone every year? I am Lemmy. You may know me from BADMINTON or TMN/shallow-web I BADMINTON the BADMINTON with a BADMINTON. o_o Screw you XD. I'm not sure what happened to weegee boards though..
The Site / Announcements / It's time to revive this site from the dead.
on: October 26, 2009, 11:36:29 am
Alright, as it stands, my site have some what of a partnership with this site. I'm not posting any links here, get them from the IRC or PM somewhat. However, I am going to have links to GHZ on my site.... well,
WEEGEE, FINISH THE AFFLIATE BUTTON. He's going to make one, so I can put in on the site. Until then, I'm going to use my smwhc-member gaining skills to gain members on TheSmw (and then hopefully we can get some transferred over here.)
Lol, this should've been the forums to my main site XD
The plan has began. If this site doesn't come back from the dead, I am going to take an axe and chop a cookie in half! You wouldn't want to have that happen to the poor dessert, do you? So help get this site active now! Or the cookie gets it.
Green Hill Bowl / Football / The gators cheated D:
on: October 19, 2009, 03:42:24 pm
I'm a Miami fan, but I watched the Florida Gators play against Arkansas. They almost lost! darn it, so close so that someone else can take that # 1 spot. ITS NOT FAIR. NOT FAIR XD.
So what's your favorite college football team?
Green Hill Lounge / Rest & Relaxation / Re: ZOMG
on: October 16, 2009, 08:39:47 am
In case you didn't notice we're getting a host soon and most are waiting for the host but there are too many delays  Yeah. Delays suck D: but weegee needs his bank account. Weegee can't help it though. its going to take some time
Green Hill Lounge / Rest & Relaxation / Re: ZOMG
on: October 14, 2009, 10:07:33 am
Well, I agree with this statement. I agree with everything except post or die. I or any other staff member will not ban you if you don't, if someone does, they will be punished. Anyways, please try to make this place active. We, meaning a few of the staff members (because others it turns out don't give a **** about this place...) are advertising and doing the best we can to get people here, make the place grow, and etc. If you gues at least post once a day, it'll make me happy. just don't spam for god's sake. Spam will be not tolerated, no matter what.  So, guys, please try to get this place up and running. We can only make this happen if all of us work together.  If you post at least twice a day, I will consider you cool  Cool points! Seriously, you can help by simply posting. Spamming is sucky people, so I doubt anyone would do that 
Green Hill Lounge / Rest & Relaxation / ZOMG
on: October 14, 2009, 09:57:38 am
You idlers disgust me. POST. If you don't post, this forum will all be for nothing.
So for now on, you are going to be annoyed by a series of posts by Syr.
Post or die. that is all
Green Hill Lounge / Rest & Relaxation / Re: Introduction/Leaving/Returning Thread
on: September 16, 2009, 04:01:13 pm
Syr here. It's no suprise that I was going to sign up for an awesome site like this XD Hellllllllo to I mean everyone. No! I'm not a tree hugger!
Anyway: I'll be on whenever I can. If you see me in the irc, I'll most likely be on.
The staff team was chosely wisely. Only the awesomest people could choose staff as good as this XD.
- Syr, aka Mr. Yoshiro