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1  Glorified Gamers / Nintendo / Re: Yay... on: November 30, 2009, 08:00:29 pm
You should edit your post before you get into trouble. The rules are clear about illegall material.

....ummm am I missing something? DId he post a link to illegal material because if your meaning talking about it, that's alright as long as a link isn't present. Carry on.
2  The Site / Suggestions & Troubleshooting / Re: I'm not allowed to access the arcade on: October 29, 2009, 08:11:17 pm
Wierd error. Now I'm bored D:

Just reporting the error

Hmm, odd. I'll check into it shortly.
ANyoine else that this happens to, tell me.
3  The Site / Announcements / Re: New big plans for the forum on: October 28, 2009, 03:32:36 pm
Yes, what alidsl said.
Let's take a vote first to see what everyone wnats to make the hack of and who will particapate.
Things to hack:
Only things IK how to hack...
4  Rom Hacker's Paradise / Emulation Troubleshooting / Re: SNES Emulator TroubleShooting on: October 16, 2009, 07:00:05 pm
But does the rom work? did you check it out on a snes emulator?
5  Rom Hacker's Paradise / Emulation Troubleshooting / Re: SNES Emulator TroubleShooting on: October 16, 2009, 08:36:34 am
I'm using SnemulDS and it comes up with "place roms in /SNES/ folder" I did and nothing happened
Is the folder in the right spot?
Does the rom work, have you checked?
6  Rom Hacker's Paradise / Emulation Troubleshooting / SNES Emulator TroubleShooting on: October 14, 2009, 12:04:24 pm
post here if your having problems with an snes emulator and one of us will try to help you.
7  Green Hill Lounge / Forum Fun / Re: Count to One Million on: October 14, 2009, 12:02:02 pm
8  The Site / Announcements / Re: ADVERTISE FOR GHZ on: October 14, 2009, 11:46:35 am
we only have 19 members and if we hope to become a respected forum we need more

all you have to do is put a link in your sig and we will get more members

Yes, thank you alidsl, I was about to make this thread lol.
Anyways, advertise us please, we can only prosper and grow if you guys work with us and help us make this site as active and awesome as possible. So post, advertise, and together we'll make this place great. Smiley
9  The Site / Announcements / Re: Competition on: October 14, 2009, 11:34:41 am
Yes, and here are the rules to this competition:
  • Must be 600(width)x100(height)
  • Has to do with green hill zone, the people here, etc
  • Nothing rule breaking...see rules for details
10  Glorified Gamers / GCN (GameCube...) / Mario Kart Double Dash on: October 14, 2009, 11:23:58 am
MK: DD is a great racing series game for the gamecube. In this game, you control two characters on one kart! You can switch between them, use items of course, and each character has there own special item. There are 32 tracks in all to race against your opponents and tons more to unlock. Discuss this game here.
11  Green Hill Lounge / Insanity (WB) / Re: Invisible bike!! on: October 14, 2009, 11:03:57 am
XD nice. What's holding him up? strings? lol  Wink
12  Green Hill Bowl / Football / Re: Soccer/football? on: October 14, 2009, 11:03:11 am
it's american football.  Cool
13  Green Hill Lounge / Rest & Relaxation / Re: Introduction/Leaving/Returning Thread on: October 14, 2009, 11:02:43 am
Syr is back and this time, he's active!

Glad to see you back and thank you for the help *wink wink* Cheesy
14  Green Hill Lounge / Rest & Relaxation / Re: ZOMG on: October 14, 2009, 11:01:29 am
In case you didn't notice we're getting a host soon and most are waiting for the host

but there are too many delays  Sad

IK, and it's not weegee's fault. His mom is being sorta mean. He said though that he should be getting it in a week or so, srsly. Let's cross our fingers and hope for the best.  Undecided  Grin
15  Glorified Gamers / Nintendo / Re: Mario or Luigi? on: October 14, 2009, 10:12:12 am
Mario, eh he eats mushrooms and doesn't fraid of anything. :E
Mario, I have always liked him from the very beginning. he's awesome! I do like Luigi, don't get me wrong, he's funny and cool in his own ways, but to me, Mario takes the cake.  Cool *this cake isn't a lie btw, ZOMG! :O*
16  Green Hill Lounge / Rest & Relaxation / Re: ZOMG on: October 14, 2009, 10:03:16 am
Well, I agree with this statement. I agree with everything except post or die and theat you guys disgust me....pretty much all I agree with is that we ned to post and advertise. I or any other staff member will not ban you if you don't, if someone does, they will be punished. Anyways, please try to make this place active. We, meaning a few of the staff members (because others it turns out don't give a **** about this place...) are advertising and doing the best we can to get people here, make the palce grow, and etc. If you gues at least post once a day, it'll make me happy. just don't spam for god's sake. Spam will be not tolerated, no matter what.  Undecided
So, guys, please try to get this place up and running. We can only make this happen if all of us work together.  Cry
17  Glorified Gamers / General Brawl Discussion / Things that tick you off! on: October 14, 2009, 09:57:29 am
If you want, list things that **** you off in a brawl.
well, here's some from me: (note: i'm abit picky but I just find stuff unfair)
1. doing an attack over and over for 2-3 minutes (like pit's spinning blade attack >_>)
2. attacking someone while they are doing a taunt (that inferiates me)
3. attacking when someone cannot dodge it at all (wtf :<)
18  Green Hill Bowl / Baseball / School Teams on: October 13, 2009, 06:52:09 pm
Are you in a baseball team at your school? If so, tell about it here!
I'm in the striped jaguars, a team at my high school. We play when school is in session. lol
I'm moderate at baseball. I can run fast *see my username for details* and I can hit a homerun about every 20-25 shots. SO I guess i'm pretty good. lol
19  The Site / Announcements / Activity... on: October 13, 2009, 05:32:50 pm
Guys...we need to be active here. Post for fucks sake. we need to bring activity here to actract people. that's one of our major problems...
20  Green Hill Lounge / Rest & Relaxation / Tell us who you are on: September 29, 2009, 07:51:58 pm
Tell us about yourself, just like the title says. We want to know you. Smiley
Here is the form:

Real Name?
Where you live?
What your favorite sport is?
What type of music you like?
Do you have any pets?
Any siblings?
Do you hack any type of rom? If so, which?
Male or female?
Favorite Games, Movies, Books?
Eye color?
Hair color?

What do you think of the site?

I'll start first:
Real Name: Charles L.
Where you live: Kentucky
What your favorite sport is: Baseball
What type of music you like: Rock
Do you have any pets: 2 cats, Fluffy and Garfield
Any siblings: 2, 1 brother and 1 sister
Do you hack any type of rom? If so, which: SMW, I've been doing so for four years.
Male or female: Male
Hobbie(s): IRC, Gaming, Hacking, Riding my bike and 4-wheller, yada yada lol
Favorite Games, Movies, Books: Game: SSBB and SMRPG       Movie: IDK actually          Books: Harry Potter I guess...
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Age: 15 Cheesy

What do you think of the site: I think it's coming along ok. We need the host soon though...
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